
格温内斯默西大学校长Deanne H. D 'Emilio, JD awarded the 2023-2024 mini grants from the President Excelence Fund to support various undergraduate academic projects.

今年的获奖人 在这个竞争过程中 包括:  

申请人:Patrick McGrain博士

监狱内外交换计划, an educational experience with a distinctive pedagogical approach to learning, will allow 15 criminal justice students the opportunity to take a semester-long course with incarcerated individual, referred as “inside students” at the Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia. This unique program allows individuals from all walks of life to come together and find solutions to problems that affect them in very personal ways. The learning experience promotes the critical concerns of the Sisters of Mercy, 关注社会正义问题, particularly the rights of women; the dismantling of institutional racism; support for persons who have been displaced and are forced into an unfair system; and the promotion of peaceful discourse, 洞察力, 和决策.

Applicants: Marianne Boyd, MEd, Cheryl Malfi, EdD, and Mary Jo Pierantozzi, MS

The TAP Immersion at Lindley Academy Charter School will allow 8 education students to participate in an immersion partnership program in Philadelphia, 99.6%的学生经济状况不佳, and where the subject proficiency of students tested at 29% in reading 8% in math. GMercyU students typically complete their TAP experience in local schools with early grades (preK-4), or in classes for special education (Prek-8) at school districts within a 7-mile radius of campus. This partnership supports the University’s mission of “seeking to combine education for professional competency with the Mercy tradition of service to society” in our region—recognizing need and diversity in the inner city of Philadelphia.

Applicants: Stacey Lettini, 博士学位, Justin McClain, 博士学位, and Maria Winters, 博士学位

校长科学和数学研究津贴 will foster a culture of original undergraduate research in science and mathematics. 两个生物专业的学生, math or CIS will take part in a three month summer research project. 学生s will actively eng年龄 with a 教师 member to develop a research question, 设计适当的实验, 收集和分析数据, 然后把数据以科学的形式呈现出来. 教师-student research promotes critical thinking in undergraduates. This differs from what students typically encounter in an outside internship where they are primarily carrying out the experiments designed by a primary investigator.

Applicants: Sharla Willis, DrPH, CHES; Victory Osezua, 博士学位, PHP; Maria Warnick, 博士学位, CRNP

This project will foster a Global 健康 服务-Learning elective course for 15 students enrolled in the Public 健康 program in spring 2024, 谁将前往金斯敦的芥菜籽社区, 2024年夏天在牙买加与圣母之子一起工作, 敢于关心, and Matthew 25:40 apostolates which provide services for adolescents who are either pregnant or new mothers or are HIV positive. This experiential learning opportunity will allow undergraduate public health students to develop health education programs and other activities for the residents and professional development training for staff, and MPH graduate students to create training or evaluation materials to use with the Mustard Seed Communities. The project encompasses all 5 E’s of the Griffin Edge and will foster an innovative and inclusive culture of excellence that allows GMercyU to further develop an existing partnership with the Mustard Seed Communities with a new focus on public health.


创伤知情瑜伽 & Mindfulness Meditation project will support students with resources to help them stimulate cognitive processes pertaining to meditative awareness to achieve academic goals. The GMercyU NCHA-III survey found that 51% of GMercyU’s students report academics causing them high distress, 比任何其他调查类别都要多. 除了与学业义务相关的压力, 学生还要处理财务问题, 人际关系, 以及创伤相关压力. 在2022-23学年, the Counseling 服务s Office began offering monthly yoga session with much success. The project will continue to provide Trauma-Informed Yoga along with additional mindfulness sessions to introduce students to vital coping skills and ways to address stress that will result in increased treatment outcomes, and will reach students who may not be ready for individual counseling sessions.

应聘者:姜素英, 博士学位, 塔蒂阿娜·迪亚兹, MA, 金正日接受姑息疗法, EdD, 凯利·基弗, MA, 杰夫·华莱士, MDiv

The Diversity Series project will support building capacity to better serve students in the classroom, in co-curriculum or in the day-to-day interactions of our community. The Series will highlight 4 identities that are present in our community. 语言 & 文化,第一代,残疾和灵性 & 宗教. The project will create intentional space for 教师 和工作人员 that will allow for the principles of inclusive excellence to guide a Diversity Series with events each semester focused on the four identities.